Wednesday, May 12, 2010


via barbara knott

As some of you know I like to call Dead Horse a nanoblog, because we don't exactly have have the audience of say Digby, let alone Talking Points Memo or The Huffy Post. Please note though, we have often been graced by lively and intelligent guests in the comments, and Rob and the rest of us appreciate youse guys, even if we haven't said so recently.

So, today I'm writing to encourage those of you regular and semi-regular visitors who want a reciprocal link to mention your blog in the comment thread here. If you think we've noticed you link to us and we've decided to snub you please don't think this is the case. Or if you have been meaning to, etc. I have a list of some blogs I've been meaning to add, but in the meantime let's hear from you. (Of course if you're selling unbelievably cheap designer watches or other such junk please don't bother, but maybe that goes without saying.)

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At May 12, 2010 3:42 PM, Blogger Ethan said...

I'm pretty sure my blog is far more nano than yours, so what the hey:

I love your work here. And my designer watches are completely believably cheap.

At May 12, 2010 6:38 PM, Blogger micah holmquist said...

You mean President Obama won’t be reading my first post to this site? I wish someone had told me this before I wasted those minutes of my life.

Seriously, your post inspired me to get over my shyness and explain accountability to the masses.

At May 12, 2010 7:42 PM, Blogger Jonathan Versen said...

Hi guys,
Ethan, the problem with unsolicited email salesmanship is you don't get a fancy jacket with a veritable hanging showroom inside where the pocket goes like in old TV shows. C'est la vie.

Micah, If you'd like I'll tell him to.

At May 14, 2010 5:33 AM, Blogger Ethan said...

Well, I do have one of those jackets, but it's really only for personal use since no one else can see it. C'est l'internet indeed.

At May 17, 2010 1:33 PM, Blogger Jim Wetzel said...

"So, today I'm writing to encourage those of you regular and semi-regular visitors who want a reciprocal link to mention your blog in the comment thread here."

Hey, I'm not proud -- I visit pretty regularly, and I'll be glad to beg for a link. A link to where, you ask? Easy: a link to here.

At May 18, 2010 3:34 PM, Blogger Save the Oocytes! said...

I am just starting a blog:

It is the most nano of all.

At May 19, 2010 10:37 AM, Anonymous charlie taylor said...


"Obama isn't ideological. He takes the positions he does for the same reason that Willie Sutton said he robbed banks:
because that's where the money is - Josiah Swampoodle


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