Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Innocents abroad, sneaking across the Dominican border edition

afp-yahoo haiti story 3feb10-140am-4

bbc-haiti abductions-5

raw story-3feb10-abductions afp 445am ct-6

CNN-3feb10-us detainees-haiti kidnap story 4am ct-2

OK, what's with all these damn quotation marks? Even the BBC and Raw Story? And is it really the fault of the (undoubtedly vile) interpreters? Who says so, and why doesn't the CNN headline read,

Detainees 'thought' Haiti police gave OK?

Wouldn't that be a bit more consistent?

@#!in' liberal media.


Montreal Gazette, Haiti questions Americans over child 'kidnapping' (also AFP, like the Raw Story item)

And, from Global Saskatoon, Parents reclaim children in Haiti adoptions,(Reuters, sans quotes. It's also the only story listed here that discusses the issue of psychological trauma the children may be experiencing, unless the AFP stories are truncated, as wire stories often are.)

In the Montreal Gazette story, the writer observes

Haiti's police said some of them were handed over voluntarily by their parents. A woman at police headquarters who said she was the mother of five of the children said a local pastor acting as an intermediary told her they would have a better life if they went with the missionaries.

That may well be true, but a decent person must realize that duress is a factor here. Even if, as the story goes on to state, the Americans thought they were doing 'God's work', you'd think God would encourage them to wait a few months and realize that "asking" to give the children an "opportunity" for a better life under the present circumstances amounts to preying on the families while they are in an exceptionally vulnerable state.

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At February 03, 2010 10:54 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

There isn’t anything new under the sun. A parallel to our modern day missionary jackasses can be found with what a similar group of goody-goody-two-shoes did to Native American children believing that the only way to save the Indians was to force them to assimilate to the white world. In order to accomplish this they tore children from their families and sent them to be assimilated by putting them in special schools where they were physically, mentally, and sexually abused. Needless to say do-gooders can and usually do much more harm than good.


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